Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Self Forgiveness Essay Example for Free

Self Forgiveness Essay Research on Self- Forgiveness is a topic that does not have much information, but the research known on this topic makes a distinction of the theoretical analysis of self-forgiveness is offer. In the recent years more questions has surface about interpersonal forgiveness, however intrapersonal and self-forgiveness has received little attention. Self forgiveness, interpersonal forgiveness, and pseudo forgiveness is a theoretical model that is use to explain the difference amongst the three forgiveness. Self-forgiveness can be found in social science literature. In this philosophy it explain how it necessary to have good-will toward self during the process of one self- forgiveness A person has who has offend must be able to accentuate self-love and respect in the face of one’s own wrong doing to be able to truly forgive someone and refrain from hurting someone else. The offender must recognize severe things and be willing to go through all the stages no matter how painful it is to assure true forgiveness, which should restore his self respect. In self-forgiveness restoration must be part of the process. There are three stages: Holmgren (1998); first, self-forgiveness, requires an objective fault or wrongdoing; second, negative feelings triggered by this offense must overcome; and third, an internal acceptance of oneself must be achieved. The psychology literature stated that self-forgiveness is when a person is willing to accept what he or she has done wrong to others, while still showing love and compassion to one self. Self-forgiveness can use a model called the uncovering phase where the individual goes through different cycles, which involves (denial, guilt, shame), decision phases is when a person has a change of heart. Work phase is self awareness comparison and the finally outcome for the offender which is to find a meaning or purpose to life. Self-forgiveness 3 Self-forgiveness has a set of motivation for the offender which helps them with the process of being able to avoid stimuli with the offense this process of self-forgiveness has begun. As for forgiveness avoidance is direct toward the victim’s thoughts, feeling and situation associated with moving to the next step with forgiveness avoidance. When this is achieved the person becomes at peace with his or her behavior and its consequences. When using the self-forgiveness and interpersonal forgiveness model it help the offender with retaliation and benevolence issue to be able to reconcile with oneself. Interpersonal forgiveness focuses upon the harm of the victims. An offender may try to avoid the negativity thoughts, feeling and behavior that can happen without forgiveness to the victim. If the offender does not accomplish this task when dealing with the transgressor this type of behavior may surface. This may also result in a self- estrangement or self destruction. Self-forgiveness 4 Forgiveness is one of the subjects that come up at my job and everyday conversation all the time for either the offender or the victims. This article concentrates on forgiveness and suggests that there are several ways that the process must be done to be successful for client. I do believe that it takes a lot of effort and hard work to truly forgive oneself for harming another human being. I believe that you must forgive yourself before you can forgive the transgressor. I agree you must be able to show love and respect in the face of one’s own wrongdoing, but if you can’t accept this or you don’t care I guess this would make forgiveness not an option. Holmgren suggests the elements of forgiveness is necessary for restoring self-forgiveness, which I think could be possible hold some type of connection. In psychology literature Enright stated one must be willing to abandon self-resentment in the face of one’s own acknowledged objective, wrong while fostering compassion, generosity, and love toward oneself. I agree that because if you have not let go of the past or forgiving yourself, then how is it possible to forgive someone else. If you hold on the hurtful memory from the past then you will not be able to forgive yourself or anyone else we must realize that we are merely human. Most of the time we do have set back for whatever reason I do believe have to continue to work at forgiving yourself if not it possible to become self-destructive, which could overpower the self-constructive motivation. Interpersonal forgiveness deals with does not imply reconciliation with the offender whereas reconciliation is necessary in self- forgiveness. Intrapersonal is not about condoning heinous behavior, glossing over the hurt or ignoring deep feeling you have inside. It’s about making yourself aware of how you feel about what you did to the victims. Forgiveness is a process of acknowledge and working through your feeling. Try to gain perspective on situation and letting go of being the victims and painful memories and emotions that exist. Forgiveness 5 When counseling a client who is having problems with forgiving himself for his actions. I would recommend that my client seek therapy for this type of behavior. I would use the model that includes mindfulness, self-awareness, self-knowledge ,experience, focus, and balance,because this seem to be a a good method for a client I like the step in this program. Grieco, (2009) she defines forgiveness as functionally rather that sematically. She believes that healing in a process that begins with eight steps. To forgive is to release all angry and hurt within, so you can release all negative energy. With her eight step she suggest: You must be willing to make change in attitude, express your emotions about what happen, don’t make expectation (s) ask for what you want with word or mouth and inner feelings. Open up and be honest to everyone what you need, make limitations and and take responsibility for their action and yours, visualize your personal space sphere a light around you FINISH THIS. Always use unconditionally love to person, see good in them and see good.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Sexual Discrimination in the Workplace :: Sexual Discrimination Stereotypes Feminism Essays

Sexual Discrimination in the Workplace Sexual discrimination in the workplace is something that many individuals have to deal with. This is not to be confused with sexual harassment, rather different treatment an individual(s) receives because of their gender. I chose to speak to this issue because it seems that no matter what is done, this idea, or 'tradition,' of men being superior to women will not fade out. Sexual discrimination is a major factor in how some stereotypes are derived. Men, on the average, are taller, stronger, and more aggressive than women (Harriman 69). It is believed that women have a slight advantage over men in communication skills and creativity. Women are perceived as delicate and are definitely the only part of the human population capable of bearing children, therefore, working conditions that were set for men were considered to be too dangerous for women (Harriman 47). Consider this scenario. A woman goes to college for four years. She put everything she had into getting an education that would give her an edge on the competition in her field. When she steps out into the world to strive towards her dream career, she finds that doors are being slammed in her face because she is not the right 'man' for the job. It disgusts me to think that I, or any man for that matter, could cause a major downfall in a company (which could also hurt the economy) because I was hired as a male instead of a qualified employee. One may in theory have equal opportunity to demonstrate skills in certain types of employment, but if one lacks money for decent clothes, or in some cases social standing, [or their sex], one is less likely to be interviewed... -Gross 105 This unfair treatment cannot be abolished by just snapping your fingers or closing your eyes and clicking your heels together.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Islam Worksheet Essay

When studying Islam, it is important to understand the essential elements of the faith, how they are practiced, and the distinctions among the three branches: Shiite Islam, Sunni Islam, and Sufism. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the following directives and note where there are differences among the three branches of Islam. 1. Explain the meaning of the name, Islam. The literal translation of the word Islam is surrender or submission. The name Islam implies a complete surrender to Allah, and those who practice Islam are referred to as Muslims. The word Islam is derived from the Arabic word salam, which means peace or safety. Muslims believe that the reason for human existence is to surrender to the One True God, Allah (Molloy, 2010). 2. Explain the basic concepts of Islam. Islam teaches it followers (Muslims) that the Holy Quran is the literal word of God is an all-encompassing book and includes everything about Islam. One of the most fundamental concepts of Islam is the belief that only one God exists. Islam teaches many aspects about God that are similar to the teachings of Judaism and Christianity. Islam teaches that God has always existed, cannot be destroyed, knows everything, created the universe. Another basic concept of Islam is that God never had a son (Jesus); however, Islam does teach that Jesus was a prophet as was Muhammad, but Muhammad is believed to be the last of a number of profits, and he was sent to Earth by God to confirm the word of God to the world. The most fundamental beliefs or concepts of Islam are: †¢ There is only one True God †¢ No other being or thing is worth of worship, only the True God †¢ Muhammad is God’s messenger and the last prophet †¢ Every human who has ever existed will face God on Judgment day to account for his or her deeds and at this time, God will grant or deny admittance into Heaven. 3. Describe the practices of Islam. The main practices of Islam are concentrated in what are known as the Five Pillars of Islam. The Five Pillars of Islam, as outlined in the Quran are thought to be mandatory practices that each Muslim must practice. The Five Pillars of Islam are: 1) Shahada (Profession of Faith) – Muslims must verbally acknowledge the existence of only one God and Muhammad is God’s messenger. The creed, â€Å"There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger,† is spoken daily in prayer, and inscribed on and in Mosques (Molloy, 2010). 2) Prayer – Muslims are required to pray five times every day of the week; the prayers are required every day before dawn, at midday, at midafternoon, at sunset, and at nighttime. Muslims typically undergo a ritualistic cleansing of the hands, arms, face, and neck before prayer, and face toward Mecca when praying (Molloy, 2010). 3) Zakat (Charity to the Poor) – Muslims are required to give a percentage of the total of everything they own to the poor each year. In addition to giving to the poor, Muslims are expected to be generous and charitable toward the poor when they encounter an opportunity in their daily lives (Molloy, 2010). 4) Sawm (Fasting during Ramadan) – Ramadan is the ninth month of the year according to the Muslim calendar and the month during which it is believed that Muhammad began receiving revelations from God. As with various other religions, fasting is thought to bring spiritual growth; for Muslims the month-long fast help to form a bond and unite Muslims. During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from food, liquids, tobacco, and sexual activity from dawn until dusk. Ramadan ends with a feast to celebrate the Revelations given to Muhammad (Molloy, 2010). 5) Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) – Every Muslim is required to visit Mecca (Hajj) at least once in their lifetime. A pilgrimage, as with other religions, is believed to bring about new understanding and personal transformations based on the spiritual goals of the religion. Only Muslims are permitted to enter the city of Mecca (Molloy, 2010). 4. Describe the goals of Islam. The goals of Islam are similar to the goals of other religions in that the religion is believed to be a moral and ethical authority in a world that is in a constant struggle between good and evil. Framing the world as in constants peril and painting itself as the moral and ethical authority, Islam (like other religions) seeks to regulate human life through rules, rituals, and other dogma (Molloy, 2010). Staying in the realm of regulating human life, Islam attempts to provide guidelines to enable Muslims to life a life as close to perfection (God) as possible. Islam also has developed controls and bans on specific activities, things, actions, etc. as a means of creating and maintaining social order and increase the happiness of Muslims (Molloy, 2010). 5. Describe the view of authority in Islam. The Islamic view of authority began with Muhammad; Muhammad combined political (civil) authority with spiritual authority, which is essentially a theocracy. However, modern Islam has split into two main branches that differ on their view of authority. Sunni’s, which accounts for the largest percentage of the world’s Muslim population, recognize a real difference between religious and civil authority. The Shiite Muslims; however, maintain the belief that both religious and civil authority should be centralized. Shiite Muslims place give all spiritual and religious authority to one person (Flesher, n.d.). The Qur’an serves as the primary source of information and authority for Muslims, much as the Bible does for Christians. With this in mind, evaluate Islam’s historical influences on law, philosophy, and the arts in the Muslim world. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the following questions. Provide examples to illustrate your thinking. 1. What is the legal ideal in Islamic law? How does the Qur’an inform and guide Muslims in attaining this ideal? The legal ideal of Islamic law, which is known as Sharia, are laws that continually bring day-to-day life into closer coherence with the rules set forth in the Quran. The Quran provides numerous rules and rituals that must be followed by Muslims and lays the groundwork for Sharia. Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of God; they also believe that God cannot be separated from any aspect of human life. Therefore, traditional Islam is theocratic and seeks to impose the laws and rules of God upon everyone to help ensure human spiritual fulfillment (Molloy, 2010). 2. What is the relationship between philosophy and theology within Islam? Is it acceptable for Muslims to hold separate philosophical and theological beliefs? The relationship of philosophy and theology within Islam is as complicated as it is old. Many of the early philosophic questions had to be answered to ensure a uniform understanding of the Quran and its laws. However, these early philosophical questions were not truly philosophical because the question mixed religious revelations with human logic and reasoning. Aside from the philosophical questions that were asked during the emergence of Islam, most of the philosophical and theological questions that have emerged have been the result of the expansion of Islam and its contact with other religions (Molloy, 2010). There is no clear answer to the question of whether or not it is acceptable for Muslims to hold separate philosophical and theological beliefs, because throughout the history of Islam the discussion if philosophy and theology changes from a liberal to a conservative approach, and back again. Generally speaking, Islam has two philosophical schools; a liberal view that values human reasoning and sees it as a gift from God, and a conservative view that believes reason is false pride and favors intellectual submission. Although Islam does have a somewhat liberal faction that values reason and logic, for the vast majority of Muslims it is not acceptable to hold different philosophical and theological views. The majority of Muslims reject rationalism and promotes complete submission to God, which includes intellectual submission (Molly, 2010). 3. What artistic themes are regularly expressed in Islamic art and architecture? How are these themes explored? How has the Qur’an influenced the development of art in the Islamic world? Several themes are apparent in both Islamic art and architecture, such as the serious and simplistic style and the use of negative space to direct an individual’s attention to a specific area. Mosques can be large or small, grandiose or modest, bur regardless of the specific mosque or building, Islamic architects place a high value on space. The shaping of a building and the space symbolizes God, who is invisible but everywhere (Molly, 2010). Islam prohibits images of humans or animals, but despite that restriction, Islam has a vibrant artistic past. As with architecture, negative space is also used in art, but the theme that is most apparent in Islamic art is paradise. Most Muslim art includes some aspect of paradise as it is described in the Quran. One can find images or symbols of paradise on prayer rugs, paintings, and building architecture (Molloy, 2010). References Flesher, P. (n.d.). Exploring Religions. Islam Religious and Political Organization. Retrieved November 18, 2012, from Molloy, M. (2010). Experiencing the world’s religions: Tradition, challenge, and change (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Lying and Deception in Our Personal Relationships

The Dark Side of Relationships There is no single person in this world who has never told a lie. No matter how big or small, direct or indirect, verbal or non-verbal; we all have told a lie. The problem with lying is most of the time your lies comes to light. Knapp and Vangelisiti state, â€Å"If acts of omission, exaggeration, vagueness, evasiveness, and substitution are all part of the act of lying, than everybody lies† (2006, p. 248). Whether you wore your sister’s dress, after she said no, only to have her come home with the dress in the dirty clothes and you tell her you did not wear it. Or you went out to eat with an ex-lover and told your partner you went with a friend, only for your partner to see that same friend at the gas station.†¦show more content†¦So, if lying will temporarily maintain the relationship, than most people will lie. In personal relationships, especially romantic, if you know a person well enough, you know what they can handle and w hat they can’t, so if telling the truth will damage the relationship, most people will lie. In fact, â€Å"the best predicator of relationship termination as a result of a discovered lie, is the perceived importance of information lied about†. This statement best applies to many romantic couples who are committed to their relationship with each other. In a study comparing strangers, friends and romantic partners, it showed the most lying occurs in romantic relationships (p.292). Buller and Burgoon (1994) defined deception as â€Å"intentionally managing verbal and/or nonverbal messages, so that a receiver will believe or understand something in a way that the sender knows is false† (as cited in Guerrero, Anderson, Afifi, 2007, p.293). Deception is never expected to happen in relationships. However, in many romantic relationships (as well as personal relationship) it happens with thought, until after. If relational communication â€Å"is about how communication affects the personal relationships we create, sustain, revise, and sometimes dismantle† (Wood, 2000, p.xix), than deception has to be a downfall in our relational communication when deception and lying occurs. There are five primary types of deception: lies, equivocations,Show MoreRelatedDeceiving is Believing Essay1032 Words   |  5 Pageswhite lie, a superficial lie, or a big lie, it will affect ones self and those around them. How does lying affect the intimacy of a relationship? Lying is by far one of the most delicate and damaging behaviors possible in a committed, cherished relationship. Some say that intimate relationships are based upon love, charm, or need, but trust is the foundation in any affectionate relationship. What is the ideal way to destroy trust? Tell lies. 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